Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Heart Rants #01

ive read somewhere (i forgot where) that pregnant lady are twisted (blame the hormones ya) in which they could cry at stupid romantic movie, or sometimes cry looking at cats (ok, ni mcm ridiculous, but true). and that they could easily cry when they felt unwanted or neglected.

as for me, i did cried watching stupid romantic movie (the tears come out of nowhere. seriously!) and did cried when my husband neglected me. but crying for just looking at cats? ermmm, belum lagik kot??

honestly, we are in a middle of 'perang dingin'. i am not talking to him. as i felt that he neglected me and did not care enough for me. and that i & baby come second after his family. (some might think that i am making a big thing out of nothing, but hey, i blame the hormones again :D).

kadang-kadang mmg susah nk baca apa dalam hati lelaki. mcm mana mereka rasa sgt susah nk baca hati wanita jugak. being pregnant, u will be super duper needy (ok, bukan la nk cuddling or whatsoever, but needy of ur husband being with you. duduk sebelah doing nothing pun takpe. and needy when it comes to throwing up. aku perlukan en suami utk menepuk belakang aku semasa muntah).

and it is hard when his family did not see/care about your needs. bukan nk husband ada ngn kita 24/7. but i do need him during the night where the morning-evening sickness are at the peak. so sila la faham, dan jgn la bebankan dgn mende2 remeh seperti,

"** takda baju, abg bagi la baju2 keja abg kat dia. tak pun beli baru utk dia" - what? do u know how to read the calendar? sekarang tgh bulan. dan amboi, kalo kate sume baju2 keje abg isteri terchenta yg beli, agak2 sanggup ke isteri terchenta tgk baju tu tersarung kat badan org lain?


"tolong topupkan, sbb kat sini takde kedai. kredit dah nk abis nih" - seriously? do u think we sell prepaid here in our house? yg mana ko bole order2 je. dah berkali2. aku takde kredit pun tak suh laki aku topupkan?


"aku bosan, hantar gitar hg esok kat aku ?" - ko igt putrajaya ngn wangsa maju 5minit? weekdays plak tu? faham erti heavy traffic tak? dushhhhhhhh

ok, im being a cranky bitch again. and it's obviously not good for the baby.

lets stop here. for now


  1. bertenang bertenang bertenang dan bertendang! :P i know how it feels walaupon aku xpenah pregnant, tapi the drugs are the same 'synthetic' hormones yang mimicked the pregnancy hormones.
    aku even penah rasa mcm nak libas kepala laki aku. gila naseb baik aku ni waras lagi. tanak jd isteri mmg lah weh org laki mmg kdg2 dia xpaham sgt n kdg2 die rase mcm Takkan la asik nak pamper kite je. Tapi itu yg kite rase bile pgnant. aku byk dgr org pgnant slalu rase benci kat suami sendri.ada yg soh laki tido luar. mule2 i dont get it, mengape harus benci xpasal2? tp bile dah penah on drugs ni, aku sgt paham!

  2. haahhaha. setakat ni aku tak benci laki aku lagik la. aku menci family die yg tak paham aku perlukan laki aku sgt2 skang.

    tp weh, aku benci bau badan laki aku. hah amik ko! ok, bukan bau badan laki aku, bau after-bath die. so kiteorg 1jam duduk dekat jusco semata2 nk pilih gel mandian yg sesuai ngn bau badan laki aku.
