Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stating instead of Telling

i never post anything related to pregnancy at facebook nor twitter, except at my blogs (itu pun dekat blog ttc, when i come clean with the pregnancy & of course this blog, as it is created for my pregnancy journey.) my personal blog about my daily life, nah, mmg tak pernah nk tulis pasal pregnancy. so, many of my friends did not know about the pregnancy.

only those who are close with me know that we're pregnant.(even my besties pun tatau, unless they asked. utk saje2 bgtau, mmg tidak)

and we are happy with it.

as we used to be in TTC circle, that we know pregnancy status is kinda annoying. (hehh, utk aku la)

i seldomly commented on pregnancy related status nor ultrasound picture, so when i did commented on one of my friend's ultrasound picture (bunting pelamin), it might be weird for some, even for the expecting friend herself.

and when the comments are about 2D and 4D ultrasound, it became much weirder and in the end, the expecting friends reply by saying thanks and that she pray that its my turn next so that our babies shall be born in the same year.

(ok, ttibe aku rasa cam aku besarkan2 hal yg kecil. duhh. patut aku buat bodo je kan)

well, i reply by saying, thanks. but then i pm her and stating (ok, stating, bukan telling. and i felt like a bitch for it) im expecting as well. 7bulan sudah. =D

and she was like, owh, sorry, i didnt know. and everthing become awkward.

ok, pk pk balik. cam bodoh kan. baik aku diam2 je. tp tatau, sedikit terasa bila org comment cam tu, and terus langgar prinsip utk tidak memberitahu unless mereka tanya, dengan memberitahu terus. isk isk iskkk..

and i felt bad.

should i felt bad or should i simply forget about it?


i felt bad because i felt like a bitch for rubbing in her face that i am 7month pregnant but on the second thought, nahhh, im quite hurt with the comment.

ok, aku dah merapu. en suami kate, lupakan. jgn pk pasal org.

ye ke?


  1. hahaaha! mesti die pun rase tertampar bile beriye die konon wish semoga ko akan pregnant soon, walhal dah 7bulan dah ko. heehe!
    kazen aku penah mcm tu weh. die upload gamba anak sape tah, die tgh pgnant 6bulan kot mase tu. tibe2 aku terbace kat komen dia kwn die ckp Ha ape lagi cepat2 la dapat baby. die tak balas yang die mmg tgh pregnant, tapi die balas "tungguuuuuuuuuu"
    hahaha kewl! aku suka.

  2. heheheh. agak la. sbbnye time wedding die pun aku dah pregnant. tp yg tahu je la tahu, yg tatau, mmg tatau. lagikpun perut aku kecik je. even 7months pun still kecik.

    aku rasa mcm bitch sbb rubbing at her face weh. patut lepas aku reply thanks tu, aku diam je. tp aku bgtau plak.


    1. alah, takpe la gitau hahaha. kasi dia pikir sket. kalau aku jadi dia aku terus malu sendiri n pikir "erk malunya, aku baru je pgnant, die dah nak beranak tak kecoh pun"

      aku ade mmber perot dah besar, budak2 laki kutok2 apesal gemok la ape la. die masih diam and ckp "Biar la aku nak gemok" tak ckp pun Aku pregnant lah.
      kewl kan! aku suke org perangai mcm tu.

  3. hehhe. kewl gile member ko. takpe takpe, pasni kalo ade yg camtu lagik, aku nk diam je and say thanks
