source: here
“I can’t believe you’re not breastfeeding! How can you do that to your baby?”
What to say back: “Not that it’s any of your business, but I had a really hard time breastfeeding. And, by the way, how I feed my baby is a personal choice -- don’t judge me for it.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: aku pun dlu minum susu lembu gak, sihat, besar, belajar tinggi gak. ape kalo bf, anak confirm nnti besar jadik pandai, jadik org besar? abes anak ko yg merempit tu kejadah?
“Here, let me do it. You’re not doing it right.”
What to say back: “I know you’re just trying to help, but I’d rather get constructive criticism than just plain criticism.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: anak aku, sukati aku la nk wat camne. kalo ko nk wat camtu, beranak la sndrik!
“You don’t need to breastfeed her every time she cries. You’re going to spoil her!”
What to say back: “I didn’t know that feeding my child was spoiling her.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: abestu kalo die nangis ko nk pujuk? setiap kali nangis aku anta kat kau je la senang!
“‘He looks just like his daddy!’ I swear if I hear that one more time….”
What to say back: “Yep, it’s true, I wasn’t having an affair.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: dah tu, takkan la ikut muke kau pulak?
“You think you’re tired now? You have months of sleepless nights ahead of you.”
What to say back: “And I can’t wait!”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: so? kalo aku tak tido pun, ade aku ketuk pintu umah ko suh ko jaga anak aku?
“Your baby’s huge…what are you feeding her?”
What to say back: “Your leftovers.” (Okay, we wouldn’t really say this, but we might think it.)
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: susu la weh, dia br 3bulan. takkan aku bagi makan kari plak kot?
“My son never cries.”
What to say back: “I guess you’re just very lucky.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: anak kau bisu takk?
“So when are you going to give him a sibling?”
What to say back: “Let’s see how things go with this one first.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: kau tu, sebuk tanya org, pehal tanak beranak lagik?
“Oh, you’re just hormonal.”
What to say back: “No, actually, I’m not.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: hormon otak kau!
“So when are you due?”
What to say back: “I just had my baby, but when are you due? Maybe our kids will be in playgroup together.”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: sila check mata, tak pun terus wat operation mata, sbb aku rasa kau buta!
“Are you finally going to get your tubes tied?”
What to say back: “Are you finally going to get some manners?”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: tied ur own first. sume anak2 kau tak menjadik. sume merempit. baik kau tak yah ada anak.
“What’s its name?”
What to say back: “‘It’ is a person, just like you, and I’d prefer you address her that way!”
What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut: kau igt dia anak kucing?
kowang plak, amende ayat2 tak masuk akal pernah dilemparkan pada kowang?
hoh..nice one.. :)
ReplyDeletemintak izin share boleh dear?
bole je. sharing is caring
Deletei pun amik kt tp yg "What I really wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut" tu je i tambah. hehehe
hohoho..yg tu paling excited nak jawab.. :)
Delete"Keciknye anak kau."
ReplyDeleteI jawab: Baru je umur dua bulan. Nak besaq mana lagi?
"Breastfeed lagi ke?"
I jawab: Haah. Saving for vacation.
Kalau orang komen or tanya lebih2, secara automatiknya 'Sarcasm ON'. :P
part saving for vacation tu mmg nice la vv! hahah. nice one!
DeleteLagi satu;
DeleteA : "Berapa berat masa lahir?"
B : 2.98kg
A : "Laaa kecik je."
A : "Berapa berat masa lahir?"
C : 3.03kg
A : "Uih, semangat tu. Berat."
Zzzz -_-"
aku pun memang la belum jadi new mom tapi kalau aku dah jadi new mom, aku xnak org tanya aku:
ReplyDelete1. Finally! Dapat pun anak! Doc mana yang ko jumpa sampai mengandung?
aku nak jwp: ko syirik ke sangka doc bagi anak?
2. Reti ke pegang baby?
aku nak jwp: Selama ni aku xde anak buah, xde adik sdare smua eh?
remember tak my post pasal makcik aku sms laki aku tanya "eh clinic mana yg buat sampai ko mengandung tu?"
Deletehusband aku mengamuk, yet kami remain diam tak reply pun. but what i really wanted to say: sesia laki ko tu tabligh tp ko tatau yg anak tu bukan doc atau clinic yg bagi, tp allah. iskkk!
Mohon kongsi bersama sebagai alternatif pilihan. Dapatkan Set Pengurusan Uri Ummi Raid. Mudah & Praktikal. Bersifat semulajadi & mesra alam. Terima kasih..