Sunday, April 1, 2012

Braxton Hicks

we were walking at wangsa walk mall last week when the pain hits me. (ok, bukan contraction ye. minggu lepas i br 31weeks). but the pain was so bad that i had to lean to the pillar (muka berkerut2, sambil tangan pegang perut tahan). mr hubby was so worried that he insisted to sit at the nearest bench. but i could hardly moved let alone walk. sakitnya.

ok, bukan macam sakit baby mengeras. bukan jugak mcm sakit kaki cramp aritu. bukan jugak sakit dekat ari-ari yg kalo jalan kengkang bole kurang kan sakit. ni macam kesakitan kesemuanya digabungkan tp lagik sakit. ok, senang kate, aku pun tatau nk explain camne, cuma aku tak bole nak bergerak2 langsung.

adakah ini braxton hix?

org keliling jgn kata la. semua pandang2, semua terhenti jalan. mcm ade freak show plak kat stu. lepas 5minit. the pain was gone, and i could walk again.

and mr hubby said: "org keliling tadik mesti igt awak nk beranak sgt kan?"
me: errr? *honestly, i tak perasan langsung sbb the pain was unbearable.
mr hubby: derang pandang2, ade yg stop sbb igt awak nk beranak... hoho
me: ye?
mr hubby: kalo nk best lagik tadik, cume abg menjerit mintak tolong, confirm lagik derang igt awak nk beranak.
me: isk awak nih! tak lawak la!

and i googled about braxton hicks contraction only to discover that different women shall experience different kind of pain. hurmm...

source: here

What Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Feel Like?

Braxton Hicks contractions can be described as tightening in the abdomen that comes and goes. Many women report these as feeling like mild menstrual cramps. These contractions are typically not painful and do not occur at regular intervals. They do not get closer together, do not increase with walking, do not increase in how long they last, and do not feel stronger over time as they do when you are in true labor.

Mrs S add: mild menstrual cramps hotak hang! haiyaaa. kalo mild mestrual cramps takde la sampai tak bole bergerak langsung. mesti article ni ditulis oleh lelaki. cetttt

How Do I Know When Contractions Indicate True Labor?

To figure out if the contractions you are feeling are the real thing and you're going into labor, ask yourself the following questions.
Contraction Characteristics
False Labor
True Labor
How often do the contractions occur?
Contractions are often irregular and do not get closer together
Contractions come at regular intervals and last about 30-70 seconds. As time goes on, they get closer together and stronger.
Do they change with movement?
Contractions may stop when you walk or rest, or may even stop if you change positions
Contractions continue despite movement or changing positions
How strong are they?
Contractions are usually weak and do not get much stronger. Or they may be strong at first and then get weaker.
Contractions steadily increase in strength
Where do you feel the pain?
Contractions are usually only felt in the front of the abdomen or pelvic region
Contractions are more intense and may start in the lower back and move to the front of the abdomen

mrs S adds: jadik, adakah logic mengalami braxton hicks pada minggu ke-31?dan kalo benarlah ini braxton hicks, ya Allah, kesakitan beranak itu lagik la sakit kan. permudahkanla sgalanya ya Allah!


  1. BH la tue.. lagi awal lagi dah start BH dah..
    tapi kita punya BH rasa ketat2 (tightening) je.. no pain.. hihihi

  2. ha ah.. braxton hicks ni saya start rasa masuk minggu 27 lagi, rasa ketat.. then hilang..
    macam saya ni, rasa sakit takleh gerak.. lama diam.. pastu baru leh jalan..minggu ni dah mula sakit bawah perut.. lain orang kut..

  3. anz: owh, i tatau nk differentiate bh dgn ketat2 tightening tu. sbb selalu gak tigthening tu, tp i tot baby tgh wat summersault kat dalam or streaching his muscle. but yg i rasa last week tu, sgt sakit sampai xleh jalan. hurmm

    hukari: maybe kot. sakit dekat ari2 my gynea kate due to the fact that baby dah nk engage, pastu tulang pelvis kite nk membuka laluan. sbbnye, kalo sakit kat ari2 tu, kalo jalan kangkang, mmg ilang. hahaha. wallahualam
